
Fill Areas Easily with the Fill Command in Minecraft

The Fill Command in Minecraft is one of the most effective tools that can help players to fill the huge territories by blocks in several seconds. Be it constructing a big structure or removing vegetation from a land, the Fill Command is the best option to go for. Well, in this guide, let me take you through everything you need to know about the fill command, starting with the basics, and up-to the more advanced levels needed.

The use of the Fill Command also causes a lot of time and effort to be conserved so that the gamer spends more time being creative and less time on the repetitive block placing. It is time to look at what you can do to master this command for your builds!

What does the Fill Command do in Minecraft?

Information about the Fill Command

Minecraft enables the player to use the Fill Command to fill a particular region with a certain type of block. This command is very useful in constructing large structures, to fill large terrains or when we want to clear large amounts of blocks at once. The Fill Command is also useful for replacing blocks for clearing out sections of an area or even for creating concave spaces for rooms or buildings.

For instance, if you want to fill a big empty space with stone blocks, it will take much of your time to place each of the blocks individually but using the Fill Command you can do this in a few seconds. This command is very useful for anyone who is seeking to place a house with much efficiency in Minecraft.

Why Use the Fill Command?

The Fill Command in Minecraft is very useful for those Minecraft players who do not want to spend much time on building something. This means that one can occupy large spaces with it quickly and accurately, something that would have taken him or her a number of hours to do by arranging the blocks manually. The command is also used for gardening, for example in flattening the land for construction or in flooding water into a lake.

For experienced construction creators, the Fill command is a boon for large projects like a city, castle or trying to develop your own landscape. This command has not changed a bit as one of the best ways to control the placement of blocks in Minecraft.

How to Use the Fill Command Exactly in Minecraft: Step by Step Guide

The construction command fill is one of the most famous commands to be used in the Minecraft game. These commands for instance can be used to spread a lot of blocks in a particular area at once. To use this command, follow these steps:


Stand at one corner of the area you want to fill with blocks. Then move to the diagonally opposite corner to define the area.
Fill impacts blocks in an area of a box, with dimensions up to 32,768 blocks wide, high and deep. Go to any of the 8 corners of the box desired and fill it.

Step 2:

In Java Edition, press F3 to display coordinates. In Bedrock Edition, enable ‘Show Coordinates’ in the game settings to view your position.

The last step shows a number of strings with brief information about the current game.

Step 3:

Record the X, Y, and Z coordinates displayed in the F3 mode. Note these numbers carefully, as they will be used in the Fill Command.

Step 4:

Move to the opposite corner of the area you want to fill and note down the coordinates.

Step 5:

Record the coordinates there.

Alternatively, use relative coordinates: An optional symbol (~) before a coordinate it is pointed that the coordinate given is relative to your position. There ~ ~ ~ gives the position of you and there ~ ~-1 ~ shows the position of the block below you.

Step 6:

The default Commands for Minecraft Pocket Edition have slight modifications and can be launched by pressing the “T” key to open the Chat menu and typing /fill [your first coordinates] [your second coordinates].
Type /fill [x1] [y1] [z1] [x2] [y2] [z2], where [x1 y1 z1] are the coordinates of one corner, and [x2 y2 z2] are the coordinates of the diagonally opposite corner.

Step 7:

Type the block name after the coordinates. Use “minecraft:” followed by the block name, such as “minecraft:stone” or “minecraft:grass_block.”

Step 8:

In Java Edition, press Tab after typing ‘minecraft:’ to see a list of available block names. For Bedrock and Pocket Editions, refer to online block name lists.

Step 9:

Enter the block name after the space. For example, type “minecraft:stone” or “minecraft:oak_planks” to fill the area with the desired block.

Step 10:

Press the spacebar, and enter a keyword that describes how to deal with blocks that are already in the fill region.

You can pick one of five different keywords:

  • Replace: Replaces all blocks in the area with the specified block. Optionally, you can specify another block to replace only that type.
  • Destroy: Clears all existing blocks in the area, as if broken manually.
  • Keep: Replaces only air blocks, leaving all other blocks untouched.
  • Hollow: Fills only the outer layer of the area, leaving the interior empty.
  • Outline: Fills only the outermost layer of the area, similar to Hollow, but doesn’t touch the interior blocks.

The Fill Command might seem complex initially, but with practice, it becomes easier and faster to use.

Tips for Efficient Use of the Fill Command in Minecraft

Make sure that you need to use the forward slash, otherwise the command will not be executed. Then, type the coordinates of the initial and final square you want to fill in the selected section. This command can only be used where you want to construct rectangles or squares only.

Using Coordinates Correctly

Basically, it is essential to type in the right coordinates when using the fill command button in Minecraft. The next one is the coordinate system in Minecraft that implies: Tilde (~) in environments of a command points to the fact that the considered coordinate is relative to the owner’s position. Finally, ~ ~ ~ represents your position in the figure, and ~ ~- 1~ represents the block immediately below you. Check on the coordinates to make sure you are filling the right one.

Different Fill Types

The Fill Command offers different options for filling areas:

  • Replace Fill: You replace all the blocks of the area with a specific block type.
  • Hollow Fill: Casts only into the outer layers to make an empty shell in the center.
  • Keep Fill: Fills the air blocks only while creating no new blocks, only preserving the existing ones.

Fill Large Areas Without Lag or Crashing the Game

Just like with most objects, with very large areas the commands result in lag or the game crashes when filling with the Fill Command in Minecraft. To prevent this, one has an option of completing it in parts or reducing the render distance so as to save much memory on gameplay settings.

Advanced uses of the Fill Command

Structures with the Fill Command

In addition, the Fill Command makes it possible to create buildings, walls, floors and even ceilings. For instance, it is possible to place.

Clear the land

Use the Fill Command to replace blocks with “minecraft:air” to clear large areas of land efficiently.

At the walls of a house or castle and leave the inside empty, essential for engagements with a broad construction scale in Minecraft.

The Fill Command is very useful if you find that you have to clear a big area of land for a build. For instance, if you want to level a mountain or remove trees in a forest, you just fire the command that will convert the blocks to air.

Creating Custom Landscapes

Fill command in Minecraft is also interesting when it comes to shaping unique terrains. It is possible to shape any landscape you want and you are free to create flat land, mountains, water bodies and any features by placing large sections of different types of blocks.

What are the Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


Misplacing Coordinates

Another problem of the Fill Command is that people often use wrong numbers in it. This can cause the command to fill an unintended area, sometimes a dangerous one, big enough to hold a camel and its rider. When entering the coordinates of a specific location, make sure you type them correctly because you will have to input them in some command.


Overwriting Important Structures

To be overwritten unintentionally in parts within your build is a scenario that nobody would like to go through. Use the “keep” keyword to preserve existing structures while filling only air blocks.


Misusing the Block Types

In case of filling an area, it is advisable to be very certain that the block being applied is the most appropriate. For instance, employing flammable blocks such as the wood in the construction of a fireplace structure in your build may be hazardous as it brings in the fires you don’t want.

How to Apply the Fill Command in Minecraft Correctly?

Testing in Creative Mode

It will be helpful to try the Fill Command in Minecraft in a Creative Mode and then practice in your main world. Doing so lets you build different configurations and test different command sequences without affecting your primary build.

Keeping Backups

Often clear a copy of your world before using the Fill Command and especially if working on a large project. This way you can always fix your broken world if it happens to go wrong somewhere down the line.

Instruction: Applying the Fill Command Appropriately

In the servers with other players, the overuse of fill command results in a lag affecting the other players. Upgrade it wisely with proper regards to server rates and loads.


The Fill Command is very useful in Minecraft and can be used for both small and large construction projects at the same time for newcomers and experts. If you know how the command works and the most inefficient ways to apply it, you can generate great structures as well as great terrains in a very short amount of time.

The Fill Command is a powerful tool for building and clearing areas in Minecraft. By mastering this command, players can save time and create impressive structures or landscapes with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

The one I think you use the most is /fill <x1, y1, z1> <x2, y2, z2> <block> here where you put the coordinates and the block type.

No, the Fill Command is only possible to be used in Creative Mode or if a player has the operator permissions on this server.

The maximum area for a project is 32,768 blocks therefore it is wise to plan the fills strategically.

Use the “keep” keyword in the Fill Command to ensure that only air blocks are replaced, preserving any existing structures.

The Fill Command works only for rectangular or cuboid regions. Diagonal structures must be built manually.

The command to fill an area with TNT in Minecraft is:

/fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> tnt

Replace <x1> <y1> <z1> and <x2> <y2> <z2> with the coordinates of two opposite corners of the area you want to fill. For example:

/fill 10 64 10 20 64 20 tnt

This will fill the specified area with TNT blocks.

In Minecraft, you cannot directly “fill” a map item using commands because maps reflect the terrain and structures in the game world. To make changes visible on a map, you can use the /fill command to modify the terrain or structures within specific coordinates.
For example, the command: [/fill 10 64 10 20 64 20 grass] will fill a rectangular area with grass blocks. After modifying the terrain, you need to explore or update the map in the affected area to see the changes reflected on the map. Remember, the map itself updates dynamically based on the explored terrain, not through a direct command interaction.

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