
How to Make a Bed In Minecraft (Easy Guide)

If you’re tired of hiding from creepers at night, then making a bed in Minecraft is your solution! With just a few simple materials and steps, you can make a bed in Minecraft, sleep through the night and avoid danger.

To make a Bed in Minecraft. You’ll need 3 planks and 3 pieces of wool. Each of the three wool pieces must have the same color which matches the hue of your bed. Wool is obtained through sheep shearing and planks are obtained by placing logs on your work surface. 

To survive in Minecraft, it’s important to know how to make a bed. Having a bed lets you skip the night and set a new spawn point. This way, if you get caught by a mob, you’ll come back to a safe spot!

Make sure to gather 3 wool and 3 wooden planks, and you’re good to go!

Besides that, one of the main uses of a bed in Minecraft is to simply skip the night, however they are also very useful in some specific hazardous conditions like fighting with an Ender Dragon. Here is everything that you need to know about beds, from the colorful customization option, the process of making a bed from scratch and the materials needed to make bed for your house in Minecraft.

What is a Bed in Minecraft?

Avoiding night time hazards like hostile mobs like zombies and creepers requires that you know how to make a bed in Minecraft. You will need wooden planks and wool blocks to make a bed in Minecraft. You can fast-forward nighttime to daytime and enjoy a safer gameplay experience by placing the bed in your base once it has been crafted.

You can save your respawn location by sleeping in a bed. This means you’ll respawn there when you die rather than at the game’s default location. When you’ve built a home base far from the initial spawn point this is extremely useful. 

Players can benefit from convenience and survival in their Minecraft game world with the help of this basic tool. 

Key Places Where Beds Found in Minecraft And Their Functions

Throughout the game, beds appear in a few strategic locations in Minecraft and have different purposes and functions based on where they are found.


In Minecraft, beds are frequently found in villagers’ homes within naturally occurring villages. Villagers use these beds to sleep, and players can use them as well.

However, it’s a good idea to craft your own bed when possible. Using a villager’s bed may temporarily displace the villager, causing them to lose access to their bed.

The color of beds in villages depends on the biome where the village is located. Below is a list of bed colors by village type:


Plains Village (Plains Biome)

Various colors, offering a mix without a specific color pattern.


Savanna Village (Savanna Biome)

Orange and yellow.


Desert Village (Desert Biome)

Yellow and white.


Snowy Tundra Village (Cold Biome)

Red, blue, and white.


Forest Village (Forest Biome)

Red, yellow, and white.


Desert/Meadow Settlement (Desert and Meadow Biomes)

Lime, green, and cyan.


Taiga Village (Taiga Biome)

Purple and blue.

Player-built structures:

Beds can be made and positioned within a player’s custom-built structures, such as home bases and hideouts. Placing beds in convenient locations allows players to set spawn points and skip the night whenever necessary. Knowing how to make and position beds in Minecraft is important for survival.


In strongholds or customized maps, beds can be strategically placed by map creators or players for convenience. For example, before taking on challenging tasks like facing the Ender Dragon, players can use these beds to set respawn points.

Whether crafted for personal use or found in villages, beds are an essential tool for navigating and surviving in the world of Minecraft.

Importance of Beds in Minecraft

  • Skip the Night: Beds enable you to sleep through the night and protect you from storms and monsters.
  • Set a Spawn Point: A spawn point is established. If you die while in a bed you will respawn there rather than at the beginning of the world.
  • Stop Phantoms: Sleeping in a bed regularly deters flying monsters known as phantoms from attacking you.
  • Zombie Curing: A bed close by facilitates a quicker recovery for zombie villagers. Villagers can spawn Iron Golems to defend themselves when they feel threatened and they can do so by sleeping on beds.
  • Weapon: Bedding makes things explode like TNT in places other than the Overworld such as the Nether. 
  • Aid Villagers and Bouncing: In villages, people use beds for sleeping and working. It’s entertaining to bounce on beds, especially for young villagers who enjoy doing so.

Required Materials to Make Bed


These materials are required to make a bed in Minecraft:

3 Pieces Of Wool:

Shearing sheep or making wool from string are two ways to obtain wool. Any color can be used for the wool. All three pieces of wool need to be the same color, which will also be the color of your bed.

3 Wooden Planks:

Any kind of wood including spruce, oak and birch can be used to make these. To turn wood logs into wooden planks, just place them on the crafting table. Once you have these supplies you can use a crafting table to make a bed.

How To Obtain Wooden Plank For Bed in Minecraft

In Minecraft wooden planks are needed to craft a bed. These planks are made from wood logs. Here is how to get the wood:

  • Find Trees: Search for trees (oak, birch, spruce etc. ) in any biome. 
  • Chop the Logs: Cut down the tree and gather the wood logs using your hands or any other tool such as an axe.
  • Make Wooden Planks: To craft wooden planks, open your crafting table, place the logs in the crafting grid and craft it into wooden planks. Each log will create 4 wooden planks. One of the important component needed to make a bed is wooden planks. 

Safe And Effective Steps To Make A Bed In Minecraft

Now that we understand the fundamentals of beds in Minecraft, including their significance and the materials needed to make them, let’s dive into the safe and effective steps to craft your bed.

The fundamentals of beds in Minecraft including their significance and the materials needed to make them are now completely clear to us. Let’s get started on the safe and effective bedmaking procedures.

Steps to Make a Bed in Minecraft

Build Shears

To gather wool from sheep, you’ll need Shears.

  • Craft Shears by placing 2 iron ingots diagonally on the crafting grid.
  • If you don’t have iron ingots, smelt iron ore in a furnace to create them.

Find Sheep

Next, locate sheep in biomes such as grasslands, plains, or clearings. Sheep are the primary source of wool in Minecraft.

Collect Wool

Equip the Shears and use them on the sheep to collect wool. The controls for using Shears are:

  • Mac/PC: Right-click
  • Xbox: LT
  • PlayStation: L2
  • Switch: ZL
  • Pocket Edition: Tap and hold

Shearing a sheep will yield 1–3 pieces of wool. Allow the sheep to graze, and their wool will regenerate, making this method more sustainable than killing them for wool.

Build a Bed

After gathering 3 pieces of wool and 3 wooden planks, follow these steps:

  • Open your crafting table.
  • Place the 3 wool pieces in the top row and the 3 wooden planks in the middle row.

You’ll now have a bed! Use it to set spawn points and sleep through the night to avoid hostile mobs.


How To Create A Dyed Bed In Minecraft

Here are the some steps to summarize the process of getting a dyed bed in Minecraft:

Step 1: Gather Materials

Action: Gather 3 wool and 3 wooden planks.

Details: Any color of wool will work but if the wool is first dyed a colored bed will result.

Step 2: Gather Dye

Action: Collect dye from natural sources.

Details: Examples include the colors blue from lapis lazuli, yellow from dandelions and red from poppies among other flowers.

Step 3: Dye the Wool

Action: Combine wool and dye in the crafting grid

Details: The wool will take on the hue of the dye applied to it. 

Step 4: Craft the Bed

Action: Use dyed wool and 3 wooden planks to craft the bed.

Details: Put the wool in the upper row of the crafting table and the wooden planks in the middle row.

Step 5: Alternative Method

Action: Dye an already crafted bed by combining it with dye.

Details: To alter the color of the crafted bed place it on the crafting table and apply dye

Create Different Dye Colors For Bed

This table lists the materials and methods required to create different dye colors in Minecraft. 

Dye colorMaterialMethod
Red Poppy, Red Tulip, Rose Bush, or BeetrootCrafting
LimeSea Pickle or Green + White DyeSmelting
Blue Lapis Lazuli or CornflowerCrafting
OrangeOrange Tulip or Red + Yellow DyeCrafting
CyanBlue + Green DyeCrafting
PinkPink Tulip, Peony, or Red Dye + White DyeCrafting
GreyWhite + Black DyeCrafting
PurpleBlue + Red DyeCrafting
BrownCocoa BeansCrafting
YellowDandelion or SunflowerCrafting
BlackInk Sac or Lily of the ValleyCrafting
WhiteBone Meal or Lily of the ValleyCrafting
Light BlueBlue Orchid or Blue + White DyeCrafting

How Beds Work As A Weapon In Minecraft

  • Triggering the Explosion: Beds in the Nether or the End explode rather than serve as sleeping spaces when a player tries to use them.
  • Explosion Power: The bed explodes with a force akin to that of a TNT block resulting in fire and damage within the blast radius.
  • Strategic Use: This bed explosion mechanic is frequently employed by players as a weapon against bosses such as the Ender Dragon or to clear large areas in the Nether for example to mine ancient debris.

It’s important to use caution when using beds as weapons because if the player gets too close to the explosion they could get hurt too. 


Beds in Minecraft are an essential tool that lets you set spawn points and skip the night keeping you safe from hostile mobs. They can also be used imaginatively for example they can explode in the Nether and End to serve as a potent weapon. Beds are essential for improving gameplay whether it is for strategy or survival. 

To craft a bed, you need basic materials like wool and wood. Combine 3 wool blocks and 3 wood planks in the crafting table using the Minecraft bed recipe.  Beds that shield you from monsters and help you move through the game more quickly are made of wool and wood. Having colorful beds gives your environment a playful and imaginative feel. 

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

In addition, there are queen, super, twin, bunk, California king, emperor, and even caeser-sized beds. The fact that Minecraft only comes in one size simplifies things. Moreover, perhaps simplicity is all you need after a hard day of mining. 

The way you play Minecraft to go to sleep in the bed varies depending on the version you’re using. On PC/Mac right-click the bed to use the Java Edition. You tap on the bed to activate Pocket Edition (PE). Press the LT button for Xbox One and Xbox 360 on the Xbox controller. 

A feature in Minecraft called insomnia causes phantoms to appear in the vicinity of players who have not slept or died for three in-game days (1 hour or 72000 ticks). The Since last rest statistic expressly defines this value which can be turned off with the command /gamerule doInsomnia false.

If you don’t have any wool you can make a bed in Minecraft by shearing sheep or killing spiders which will yield string that can be crafted into wool. Also, beds can be looted from specific buildings like bastions and mansions or found in villages. You can obtain a bed using these techniques without having to make one yourself. 

To Make a white Bed, 3 wool and 3 wood planks should be placed in the 3×3 crafting grid to create a white bed. Any type of wood plank can be used for crafting including crimson warped cherry oak spruce birch jungle acacia dark oak mangrove and bamboo planks. 

Reduce the number of layers and use only the necessary linens to make a bunk bed easier to make. Utilizing just two to three pillows begin with a fitted sheet and a comforter. This reduces effort and keeps the bed comfortable while making it quicker and easier to set up. 

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