
How to Tame a Cat in Minecraft: An Easy Video Guide

Have you ever asked how to tame a cat in Minecraft game ? Still wondered how to do that? Welcome to my blog. Here is my quick and short video for taming a cat in Minecraft:

How to tame a cat in Minecraft?

Here in this guide, we are going to cover all the basics that you must need to know in order to handle these adorable animals. It does not matter whether you are a newcomer or you have been playing for a while, the advantages of having a tamed cat on your side are undeniable. From companionship to practical uses like scaring away creepers, you’ll find that a tamed cat is a valuable ally in your Minecraft adventures.

Cats in Minecraft are more than just pixelated pets; they are virtual companions that make your game more lively. Unlike the ocelot, which is the wild counterpart to the cat, taming a cat in Minecraft grant the player several benefits within the game. The main difference between cats and ocelots lies in their behavior and spawning locations. Some cats are found in villages and swamp huts while others such as the ocelots can be found in jungle biomes.

However, it is really easy to locate cats if you are playing the game Minecraft. It generally spawns in villages and often near villagers. If you happen to be in a neighborhood of a swamp hut, chances are also likely to see a black cat. In order to locate cats quickly, one has to be close to the villagers or witch huts as these locations increase the chances of cat spawning are high.

How To Tame A Cat in Minecraft

Step-by-Step Guide To Taming Cats

Tame a cat in Minecraft is a straightforward process, but it requires patience and the right tools. To tame a cat in Minecraft:


You will need raw fish, either cod or salmon.


Approach the cat slowly to avoid scaring it away.


Once you’re close enough, offer the raw fish to the cat by right-clicking.


You will know the cat is tamed when you see hearts appear above its head.


Congratulations, you have tamed your first cat!

Tips for Successful Taming

Successfully taming a cat in Minecraft requires a few best practices.


Always approach the cat slowly and avoid sudden movements that could scare it away.


Have plenty of raw fish on hand, as it might take more than one to win the cat’s trust.


Be patient. Taming a cat might take a few tries, but the end result is worth the effort.

Benefits Of Taming A Cat


One of the most exciting things you get from taming a cat in Minecraft is their companionship. Tamed cats follow you around and exhibit playful behaviors, making your Minecraft world feel more lively. At the end of the day, whether you’re mining, building or exploring, having a cat with you adds the more fun factor to the game.

Practical Uses

Apart from the friendship that comes with having tame a cat in Minecraft, there are other advantages that come with it. This is definitely true that some of the most famous abilities are associated with using these animals.

One of them is the power to scare away creepers. Creepers are mostly found to be moving toward players and blowing up stuff and they have one weakness that they are scared of cats. A tamed cat can be used as a repellent, preventing creepers from appearing near you and making your Minecraft world less dangerous.

How To Tame Ocelots In Minecraft

Difference Between Ocelots And Cats

Before you can tame an ocelot, you need to understand the difference between ocelots and cats in Minecraft. Ocelots are jungle animals and cats are domesticated animals belonging to the same family. Taming an ocelot transforms it into a cat, but it is not as simple as taming a stray cat in the village.


Steps To Tame An Ocelot

Ocelots should be tamed the same way as cats with raw fish. This is the main reason why it is very important that you try to be patient when you are taming and that you wait for the ocelot to approach you instead. Give the raw fish and if the ocelot eats it, you will see hearts appear, which means it is tamed. 

Cats are aggressive, but ocelots are easily frightened, so you must spend a lot of time with the animal. Once tamed, the ocelot will turn into a cat, similar to the other available tamed cats.

Additional Tips For Managing Tamed Cat in Minecraft

Commands And Controls

To interact with your tamed cat in Minecraft, you must include using of special commands as well as controls. To make the Cat sit then you use the right-click on it and this helps in making it to remain in a particular area. 

To make the cat follow you, go back to the menu which is located to the right from the cat icon and choose the position where the cat is sitting and then change it to follow position. These controls makes it easy to regulate the movements of this cat and assure that it is safe.


Breeding Cats

Cats are breedable in the game of Minecraft; it is a fun idea to increase families of cats. To breed cats, you’ll have to include raw fish as their diet for them to be able to reproduce. After you feed both the cats, they go into love mode and birth a kitten. The kitten will inherit the colors of its parents, adding variety to your collection of tamed cats in Minecraft.

Common Issues And Solutions

Why Will Not My Cat Tame?

If you’re having trouble taming a cat, several factors could be at play. One common issue is not having enough raw fish. One important requirement is that you make sure you have enough quantity of food before attempting to tame a cat in Minecraft. Another issue could be scaring the cat away with sudden movements. Always approach slowly and patiently to increase your chances of successful taming.

How To Keep Cats Safe

The safety of your tamed cats in Minecraft is very important and therefore, the following tips should be implemented. Cats can fall victim to mobs and environmental factors and thus it is important to provide a secure environment. Cherish your cats, create a home for them and stay away from large crowds of mob. Also, feed your cats well in order for you to be sure that they are in good health as well as improving their moods.


Taming cats in Minecraft is quite an exciting and enjoyable process as it not only gives the owner the ability to have a pet but also makes it useful to him or her in the game. While creepy people are scared away, tamed cats make excellent friends for those people who feel lonely. The guidelines and procedures given above on how to tame a cat in Minecraft are the best to enable you to become a professional in taming cats in Minecraft. Happy taming!

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can tame cats in Minecraft using raw fish. Once tamed, cats offer various benefits, including scaring away creepers and providing companionship.

In Minecraft, tamed cats follow the player, sit on beds and chests, and scare away creepers. They add a layer of enjoyment and practicality to the game.

To get a tamed cat to follow you, right-click on it to change its state from sitting to following. Your cat will then trail behind you wherever you go.

To breed tamed cats, feed them raw fish until they enter love mode. Once both cats are in love mode, they will produce a kitten, adding to your feline family.

In Minecraft, your cat won’t tame if you don’t follow the correct steps. Make sure you’re using raw fish (either raw cod or raw salmon) and approach the cat slowly. Patience is key as cats can be skittish and run away if you move too quickly.

1 – 5
It typically takes between 1 to 5 raw fish to tame a cat in Minecraft, though the exact number can vary. Make sure to use raw cod or raw salmon for the best results.

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